Dirt Day
Did you know that playing in the dirt is linked to an individual’s level of happiness? There is a natural substance in soil that works as an antidepressant. Mycobacterium vaccae is the substance found in dirt and soil that stimulates the serotonin production which makes one relaxed and happier. Naturally, Bay Montessori recently celebrated it’s first annual Dirt Day on Friday, September 23, 2016.
Much to the delight of the children, the Blue and Yellow doors planted herbs.
The children were able to explore and play in the soil first. You should have seen the joy on their faces when we told them they were actually allowed to play in the dirt! They enjoyed pouring it on their hands (and faces, too!) and feeling it between their fingers. When they were ready, they each planted herb seeds (basil or chives) and loved telling us about all the herbs that they cook with at home. Finally, they watered the plants and enjoyed watching the dirt turn into mud.