
The teachers and staff at Bay create a family atmosphere that I haven't found at any other school. I feel like I am part of a community with the other parents and my involvement within that community has a direct impact on my child's education. My child enjoys each day of school and I know he is being educated at the pace that is right for him.
Parent of a three year old
Lexington Park, Maryland

My son has always been a child who is able to do things well before he has the confidence to show others his abilities. This concerned me when thinking about him attending a traditional school environment, as I feared he wouldn't be challenged appropriately. The Montessori school environment has given him the ability to work at his pace and gain the confidence needed to really show his abilities. His experience with Montessori education continues to challenge him as he develops confidence in himself. The added bonus to his experience is that the mixed age classrooms and strong focus on respect for others has made him one of the most compassionate four year olds I have ever met.
Parent of a four year old
Lexington Park, Maryland

Our initial idea, years ago, was to enroll our daughter at Bay Montessori for the excellent daytime childcare, but when I saw our 2-year-old learning and, even more, developing independence -- mind you, after only a few months being there -- I knew this was a very special place. Daycare turned into pre-kindergarten, and pre-k turned into kindergarten, and at every step in the process I saw my daughter growing and learning -- and not just information, but confidence and relationship skills. Not only did the teachers and staff know her name and provide a community for her and for us, they also knew her capabilities, her promise. Bay Montessori has always felt to me like a place that encourages development, for sure, but more importantly tends it, nurtures it: I remember how much my daughter wanted to do nothing more than read her book to me, aloud, and she was only four! The child-centered approach at the heart of Bay Montessori is not just an idea, but something I've experienced as a heartfelt practice. At every step, I have been informed and felt supported in helping my daughter's formation, and if I'm feeling these things I know how much my daughter is, too! Her transition to lower elementary was just as smooth as those other transitions, and I'm proud of how much she's growing and learning, and equally proud that she's becoming an incredibly kind and caring young woman, as well.
Parent of 2nd Grader
Lexington Park, Maryland