Discipline Policy
Discipline Policy
In our classrooms we strive for peace amongst its members as lessons of grace and courtesy encourage an atmosphere of love and respect. Children and adults alike are treated with respect. The key to this atmosphere is the prepared environment, but even in a prepared environment there will be “non-peaceful behavior.” Each child may differ in their ability to make correct choices. Some may need rules or controls that another may not. Thus the importance of establishing clear ground rules so that children know what expectations are for their behavior. Each classroom at Bay develops guidelines for inside their room and each program has guidelines for outdoor play.
Discipline at Bay is based on Jane Nelsen’s Positive Discipline approach as it closely aligns with the Montessori philosophy. Her approach shares a mutual respect for both child and adult and focuses on children becoming responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their community. To be a successful, contributing member of their community students must learn necessary social and life skills. Bay staff model grace, courtesy, respect, and problem solving skills throughout their daily activities in the classroom.
Violence or bullying will not be tolerated. Bay Montessori defines bullying as repeated acts by one or more students causing harm to another. Acts may be written, verbal, physical, or any combination thereof. Bullying is ongoing by nature and is a conscious desire to hurt, embarrass, exclude or upset another.
No child will be subjected to injurious treatment, corporal punishment or physical punishment.
Our Commitment
In respect to the Montessori approach and with a positive attitude towards children, the School will:
Make grace and courtesy an active part of the curriculum.
Create clear expectations and class routines with students.
Model respectful behavior.
Model appropriate interactions through role plays and problem solving situations.
Assist students to work through conflicts proactively and independently.
Record behavior in a consistent manner on an Incident report form.
Discipline Procedure
The natural consequence is the first and foremost method of discipline used at all age levels. When we allow a child to learn on their own with no interference from another we have given the best gift we can give them. Our next most valuable methods of discipline are redirection and the use of logical consequences. Redirection is used to direct a child to more appropriate choices. This method is used regularly with children and is very successful with many children. Logical consequences are used for a behavior and do require the intervention of the teacher. Typically the teacher and student brainstorm what they feel might happen now because of the behavior/situation that has taken place. Logical consequences are not punitive; they are respectful, reasonable and related to the event. These three methods of discipline are used to help the child develop inner limits. Sometimes staff may ask a child to visit another classroom for a time period in hopes a different environment might have a positive effect on the choices they make. When doing so they will often take work from their class or help a younger student with lessons.
When there is a conflict between two children they are encouraged to talk together and listen in turn. They recognize how their actions have impacted the other person and talk about what they can do to help correct the situation or create a solution that is acceptable to all parties involved.
Steps taken when consequences and redirection have been used but are not effective
If a child’s actions threaten the safety of others, the child will be removed from the classroom to the office and depending on severity, may be sent home.
If a child is unable to calm down, the child will go to a safe space outside (with a staff), the peace corner or the art room.
When an incident occurs the staff person involved will document the actions involved on an Incident Report form.
If behavior becomes extreme and/or repetitive, the teacher will schedule a meeting with the parents and, depending on the circumstances, with the Assistant Head of School to establish plan and develop consequences.
If disruptive behavior continues, parents will be asked to seek outside resources for the child.
If behavior is determined to be bullying , and it continues after meeting with parents and Head of School, the student will be asked to withdraw from the school.
"Non-Peaceful Behaviors" or otherwise known as, unacceptable behaviors at Bay
Intentional verbal hurting
Exclusion/hurtful teasing
Aggressive physical contact
Threatening gestures
Intentional destruction of property
Repetitive leaving of assigned area
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