Communications - To School From Families
Black Mailbox
Please deposit all communications to the office in the black mailbox that is attached to the wall just inside the front door to the office. We check the mailbox frequently.
You may bring written communication, forms, book orders, etc. directly to the front office.
More and more frequently, email is becoming more important as a communication tool. Please email us with questions, comments or information about your child. Though the office staff will check email frequently during the day if you have something of urgent importance, please stop by the office or call us. Teachers are working with your children throughout the day and will only check emails after the school day or in the evening. If you have an urgent message please direct your concern to the office staff and we will address your situation.
Please call us with any updates on your child or to ask questions. A staff member is in the office from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If you are not able to reach someone in the office and it is before 9am or after 3pm you can reach a staff in the Big House at 737-1398. At times we may step out of the office to attend to a situation on campus, so please leave a message and we will respond when we return.
Message for Teachers
If you have a message for the teacher, please write it down, as it is sometimes hard to remember verbal messages.
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